The Parenting Couch

Talking sex! How to talk to kids about sex, with Vanessa Hamilton

November 21, 2023 Rachel Chappell and Sarah Levett Season 2 Episode 23

Do you know what to say when your child asks you how babies are made? From what age should you talk to kids about sex? How do you teach children about consent? These are just some of the many issues that are covered in this latest podcast episode with Vanessa Hamilton, Author of 'Talking Sex".

Whether you're a parent, carer, health professional or a teacher, talking about sex doesn't have to be awkward.

In this interview on The Parenting Couch podcast, Vanessa Hamilton shares many simple tips and strategies to help you have these essential conversations with your kids. Whether you've got a toddler or a teenager, it's important to have age-appropriate conversations that support children as they grow up. Vanessa's goal is to empower the current generation of children with essential information to ensure they have safe and positive relationships during their lifetime.

  • When should we start talking to our kids about sex?
  • What to say if your child asks a question that you don't know how to answer
  • Why parents should be the first place that kids hear about sex
  • Is it okay to give nicknames to body parts?
  • What to do if you find out your child has sent a nude picture
  • How do you answer when children ask very personal questions about your own sex life
  • When your child gets a boyfriend or girlfriend, should you allow them to spend time alone in their bedroom?
  • How to talk to your kids about consent, from an early age
  • And much more!

About Vanessa Hamilton

Vanessa Hamilton is a Sexuality Educator, Speaker, Co-Author of consent resource Kit and Arlo Find a Way, Founder of Talking The Talk Healthy Sexuality Education. In her 25 years as a sexual health nurse and educator, she has been privileged to hear, support, and contribute to the intensely personal stories of thousands of people about their journeys and experiences ‘as a sexual being’.

Vanessa wants parents talking to their children about sexuality, safety, reproduction, their bodies, diversity, pleasure, relationships, positivity, health, consent and more! The more people talk, learn, educate, and share accurate, comprehensive, diverse information about sex and sexuality, the better the outcome for everyone.

In her latest book Talking Sex, Vanessa Hamilton discusses how human sexuality is complex, interesting, and constantly changing in our society. It's hard for adults to talk about it with children. This difficulty can be overcome with some very simple strategies and key educational points.

As a nurse and educator, Vanessa has had the privilege of hearing from thousands of people about their sexual experiences throughout their lives. Her goal is to share experiences, stories and insights that enable parents to have an open, honest, and necessary conversation about human sexuality, respectful relationships and consent with your children or children you care for.

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